Letters From Santa

Letters From Santa

Games Before Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Day Activities For Kids

Thanksgiving Day is a lot of fun – it’s filled with good times with family and of course, with lots of delicious food. In most houses across the nation there will be a mix...
Christmas is a Family Affair

Christmas Is A Family Affair: Have It Your Way!

If you are like most people one of the main reasons you look forward to Christmas is that you will be with the ones you love most in this world. Christmas is a family...
Christmas Tradition

It’s Time to Make Your Family Christmas Tradition

You should have a family tradition which is practiced every Christmas. The tradition helps keep the family together. A family tradition is sometimes started great grandparents and then passed down from generation to generation....
Great Halloween Decorations

Two Great Halloween Decorations For You And Your Kids

Walk into any department store this time of year and you are sure to see plenty of great Halloween decorations. This will include everything from pumpkins and bats to zombies and other creatures. These...
Kid-Friendly Spaces

Steps to Creating Kid-Friendly Spaces You Both will Love

Kids have a lot of ‘stuff’ and many kids have a tendency to be messy. As a parent, that is no surprise. What is helpful though is learning how to create kid-friendly spaces that...
Choosing paint colors

5 Tips for Choosing Paint Colors

It’s the time of year when many people start thinking about giving their homes a new look. Freshening things up after a long and cold winter can make your home a more pleasant place...
DIY Valentine's Decorations & Crafts

DIY Valentine’s Decorations & Crafts

Valentine’s Day is right around corner and although it may not be a holiday we traditionally decorate for – who says you have to be traditional? There are lots of great ways to add...