Holiday Decorating

Holiday Decorating

The Colors Of Christmas

The Colors Of Christmas – In Jewelry!

While men may fantasize about new power tools or the latest electronic gadget, and our kids are busily working to stay on Santa’s Nice List so they can get the toys they want for...
Caring For Poinsettias

Caring For Poinsettias – It’s Easier than You Think!

Poinsettias add a traditional and festive touch to your holiday décor. They look great and they make ideal gifts for people that like plants. But for some there are concerns about caring for poinsettias....
Snow Globes

How To Make Your Own Snow Globes

Snow globes are like tiny winter wonderlands in a jar. They are traditional Christmas decorations that work well with all types of themes. Whether you prefer classic designs or more modern décor, a lovely...
Christmas Tradition

It’s Time to Make Your Family Christmas Tradition

You should have a family tradition which is practiced every Christmas. The tradition helps keep the family together. A family tradition is sometimes started great grandparents and then passed down from generation to generation....
Host Holiday Celebrations

Inexpensive Ways To Host Holiday Celebrations

As colder weather starts to move in most of us start thinking about holiday celebrations and all the fun involved. Whether your focus is on the people, the food, or the holiday decorations or...

Keeping Your Dog Safe And Happy Through The Holiday Season

When you’re busy with the hustle and bustle of preparing for the holiday season it can be easy to unintentionally be neglectful with your dog. Of course you would never do anything to harm...
Christmas bows

Make Your Own Beautiful Christmas Bows

Have you ever noticed that some people have a knack for making all their gifts look great? It doesn’t seem to matter if the package is small or large, a classic rectangular box-shape or...