Unique Christmas Decoration Idea

Christmas Decoration Idea

If you have visited more than a few homes that are decorated for the holidays you have probably noticed that most people use the same decorating ideas and designs. We all love Christmas wreaths and garland, mistletoe and our beloved Christmas trees. From one holiday season to the next, most people have fallen into the routine of decorating in the same way, year after year. Only a few try something new.

Check out the image above. This is something a little different – it’s a unique Christmas idea that is perfect for filling a large open space and it’s a great way to display cherished ornaments. The best part is – you don’t have to buy anything special or spend a lot of time creating this Christmas decoration. In fact, this could be a decoration that is added to as the days go by!

Getting Started

The first thing you need to do is decide on a space for the decoration and then choose a holiday shape that will fit the space. For instance – if you have blank wall space between windows you might want to create the Christmas tree outline. Other options include a star or even a Christmas stocking.

You could use a strand of beads or even some twinkling Christmas lights to create the outline of your design.

The next step is easy – you just fill in the space with Christmas ornaments that fit the overall theme you are going for. Since this will be on the wall or perhaps on the back of a door, it is best to use ornaments that are flat on the backside. Christmas cards could be used instead of ornaments.

Christmas Calendar

This Christmas decoration is the perfect way to mark the days as Christmas gets closer. A new ornament can be added to the design with each passing day. By Christmas your decoration will be completely filled and looking gorgeous – just in time for Santa!

Don’t be afraid to be different when you are decorating for the holidays. Using innovative and unique Christmas decorations will add a personalization to your holiday décor. This will naturally add to the pride you feel when others take notice of your work. And the truth is, home-spun decorations add a charm that store-bought items cannot match!

Debbie Allen is a regular writer for Package From Santa. She shares tips about decorating, saving money, and other things related to Christmas, kids, and the home.