Tips That Make Back to School Time Less Stressful

Back to School

Back to school time is just around the corner. So it’s not surprising that families are beginning to make preparations. This may include everything from shopping for new clothes to buying school supplies or a new laptop.

But even when you have all the things you need, this time of year can be stressful. After all, kids have gotten into the habit of sleeping later and may prefer playing video games or spending time outdoors to reading, writing and arithmetic.

Nights and Mornings

Obviously, kids will need to readjust their schedules. Rather than waiting until school starts, it is best to begin the change sooner. For instance, if your kids have been staying up until 10:30 pm through the summer and you want them to have a 9 pm bedtime when school starts, you should begin by enforcing a 10 pm bedtime. After a week or so you can move that time up to 9:30 pm. And again, wait about a week or two and move the time to 9 pm.

Staggering the change in this gradual approach assures that your kids have time to adjust to the new bedtimes.

Similarly, you can use this approach in morning routines. By making adjustments in 30 minute increments, there is little concern that your kids will be upset about the change.

Back to School

Get Into the Routine Again

Just as kids will need to have a regular bedtime and a time to get up, they will also need to get back into the habit of having homework completed, clothes ready for school, quick and easy personal hygiene routines, access to a fast and nutritious breakfast, and the list goes on. It just makes sense to work at getting back into these routines before school actually starts.

As a parent, you can help by enforcing some rules now. For instance, you could require your kids to read or spend some time writing or working on math for a few minutes each day. This will not only get them in the habit of working on school-related activities, it will also help freshen their skills, which of course, will be helpful now and later.

You can also get your kids in the habit of a regular time for their baths or showers and other personal hygiene activities. In addition, kids can lay out their clothes the night before – even if it is play clothes.

Back to School

Great Breakfast Ideas

Cereal and fruit is a good breakfast idea – it’s quick and easy and it’s nutritious. Other options include oatmeal, waffles with peanut butter instead of syrup, or a ham and egg sandwich.

No matter what, it is important that your kids start their day off with a healthy breakfast.

Taking the time to help prepare your kids early for the changes they face will help make the transition from summer into school time less stressful for everyone.

This Package From Santa blog provides tips and advice about everything from writing letters to Santa to topics about kids’ health and home décor.