Sometimes, Santa Claus Isn’t Santa

Santa Claus, Package From Santa

Santa Claus is well-known worldwide. He is kind hearted, generous and loves children. But it was not always the Santa Claus we know and love today. Legend says Santa Claus was a Greek bishop who eventually became Saint Nicholas.


In Holland, Saint Nicholas was known as “Sinterklass” and this later transformed into our Santa Klaus. Others believe that Santa referred to Saint while Claus was a short form for Nicholas. But in all instances, he was known to be kind, benevolent and devoted to children.


Santa’s red and white suit came about in the 1850s. Before that, Santa was pictured as wearing a green, blue or black fur trimmed coat which reached to the knees. The fur coat remains to this day but the colors were changed to reflect a more jolly, happy and merry person. Others say the red and white suit came from the bishop’s wearing red clothes and riding on a white horse.


Poem Added to Santa’s Fame

Santa Claus became more famous worldwide after a poem about Saint Nicholas was published and distributed in many countries. The inspirational poem helped make Santa Claus more popular and well loved throughout the world.


Different Places, Different Santa Beliefs

Although the name is well known, his name and role as Sana Claus, the gift giver is not the same for all countries. Germany or Switzerland thinks of Santa Claus as an assistant to Kris Kringle. And Kris Kringle is the angel that delivers the gifts. Denmark and Sweden believes the Jultomten elf is the gift giver.


The elf has a sleigh to go from house to house. Children put milk and rice pudding as their welcome meal to the elf. Netherlands puts more emphasis on the eve of December 5. The presents are given to the children during the eve. Their Sinterklaas is dressed in a red bishop’s clothing with a red mitre and rides over the rooftops.


England looks at Father Christmas as the kind and elderly person who brings gifts and candies to children on Christmas Eve. Russia’s Banoushka gives presents to children to help them find the baby Jesus. France knows Santa Claus as Pere Noel or Father Christmas.

Package From Santa, Santa Claus

There are many variations of Santa Claus throughout the world. But one thing is certain. He is loved and cherished by everybody. Every child is told the story of Santa Claus and every child no matter what culture or country anxiously waits for Christmas when they receive gifts from the ever benevolent and loving Santa Claus. Santa Claus will always live in the hearts of the young and the young at heart.

From Everyone at Package From Santa: Merry Christmas!