Helpful Kitchen Conversions

Kitchen Conversions

Since so many of us now use the Internet to find recipes and other information, we thought it might be useful to review some kitchen measurement values. While many recipes interchange measurement values from ounces to cups, pints, quarts, liters or gallons, it is not unusual to find recipes that use grams and ml values.

Of course – you may already know the basics, like 128 ounces equal 1 gallon. But do you know how many ounces are in a tablespoon? In some cases measures are specific to certain countries. For example, the official British tablespoon is 17.7 ml as opposed to 14.2 ml for the American tablespoon and the Canadian tablespoon is 15 ml and the Australian tablespoon measure is 20 ml. You may not deal with those situations often, but it is something to consider.

In the meantime, the crew from Package From Santa has developed the following list of helpful kitchen conversions. These measurement conversion values should it make it easy to follow most recipes.

Weight And Dry Measurements

1 ounce == 30 grams

2 ounces == 55 grams

3 ounces == 85 grams

4 ounces == 125 grams == ¼ pound

8 ounces == 240 grams == ½ pound

12 ounces == 375 grams ==3/4 pound

16 ounces == 454 grams == 1 pound

32 ounces == 907 grams == 2 pounds

1 kilogram == 1000 grams == 2.2 pounds == 35.2 ounces

Liquid Measurements

1 teaspoon == 1/3 tablespoon == 5 ml

1 tablespoon == 3 teaspoons == 15 ml/15 cc == ½ ounce

4 tablespoons == ¼ cup == 59 ml == 2 ounces

5 tablespoons & 1 teaspoon == 1/3 cup == 79 ml ==2 2/3 fl ounces

8 tablespoons == ½ cup == 118 ml == 4 fl ounces

10 tablespoons & 2 teaspoons == 2/3 cup == 158 ml == 5 1/3 ounces

12 tablespoons == ¾ cup == 177 ml == 6 fl ounces

14 tablespoons == 7/8 cup == 207 ml == 7 fl ounces

16 tablespoons == 1 cup == 237 ml == 8 fl ounces == ½ pint

32 tablespoons == 2 cups == 473 ml == 16 fl ounces ==1 pint

1 quart == 4 cups == 946 ml == 32 fl ounces

4 quarts == 8 pints == 3785 ml == 3.78 liters == 128 fl ounces == 1 gallon