Things To Do At Home For A Successful School Year

Successful School Year

It’s a new school year and you have bought the supplies and your kids are outfitted in new clothes. The backpack and lunch bags are ready to go. Everything that they could need to be successful at school has been checked off – but what about the things that you need to do at home to help them have a successful school year?


Homework is an important part of your child’s education. It gives them a chance to review and demonstrate their knowledge of what’s been learned in the classroom. As a parent you should take an active role in your child’s homework assignments. Try to set up a specific time and place when homework will be done. Choose a place in the house where your kids can work free of distractions like cell phones or the TV. While your kids are doing their homework make yourself available in case they may need some help or just want to share with you the subject they are working.


A regular bedtime is very important for children. Lack of sleep can greatly affect your child’s ability to perform well in school. Establish night time routines for house. These don’t have to be exact times but a general guideline so that your child will know what to expect each night. When children have a normal bedtime it will make the nights at your home run more smoothly.


Prepare for the school day the night before. Pick a spot to put everything your child will need for the school day. Lay out their outfit including their shoes. Put homework and any other papers that need to be returned to school in the backpack. This will help eliminate confusion and last minute rushing in the morning.


A healthy breakfast is important in helping your children have a good school day. Breakfast doesn’t have to be elaborate or fancy. An example of a healthy breakfast could be whole wheat toast, two eggs and glass of milk or juice.  When a child goes to school hungry they can’t perform at their best.  Be sure that your child has time to eat before they need to catch the bus or get in the car to go to school.

This Package From Santa blog includes posts about everything from tips on keeping your kids healthy to information about holiday planning.