After-Dinner Thanksgiving Day Drinks: The Perfect Ending!

After-Dinner Thanksgiving Day Drinks

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday – it’s filled with a festive mood, great food, and lots of time with family and friends. And part of the celebration is the after dinner time. This is precious time when things begin to wind down and in many households, it’s a time when the kids become occupied with crafts or other activities while the adults enjoy deeper conversations. This is the time for an after-dinner Thanksgiving Day drink. It’s the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Package From Santa is providing you with two great options – they are non-alcoholic and both of which are easy to make – and both have a wonderful taste that is ideal for this festive season.


You will find that this drink is delicious, and super easy to mix. It’s sure to be a crowd pleaser on Thanksgiving or any other day!


  • A bottle of Sparkling Cider
  • A bottle of orange juice (cranberry juice can be substituted)

To Mix:

  • Fill your glass ¾ full with orange (or cranberry) juice
  • Top it off with the Sparkling Cider

Hot Mulled Cider

Hot drinks are always a hit when the weather is cold or dreary – and this drink is certainly not an exception!


  • 1 gallon Apple Cider
  • 2 Apples – (peeled and cored)
  • 3 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 10 Cloves
  • Whipped Cream (optional)
  • Nutmeg (optional)


  • Peel and core apples – then add 5 cloves to each hollowed out apple core space.
  • In a large pot combine Apple Cider, Apples, and Cinnamon Sticks.
  • Heat until mixture begins to boil, then cover and simmer for about an hour.
  • Ladle into large coffee mugs and top off with Whipped Cream and Nutmeg.
