Package From Santa

Package From Santa

School's Out

School’s Out: How Will You Keep Them Busy?

Now that school’s out parents across the nation are looking for ways to help their kids spend the summer months. The goal is for kids to enjoy their time away from school, but at...
Inspire Creativity in Your Kids - Package From Santa

Ways to Inspire Creativity in Your Kids

As an adult it is easy to see the benefits of being creative. Creativity can help when you are in tight situations or when you’re dealing with limitations and restrictions. In addition, creativity helps...
Wake up your bedrooms

It’s Time To Wake Up Your Bedroom

After months of cold weather and being stuck indoors your bedroom (and other spaces) probably feel dreary.  It’s time for a change – and there are some simple but very effective ways to add...
After-Dinner Thanksgiving Day Drinks

After-Dinner Thanksgiving Day Drinks: The Perfect Ending!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday – it’s filled with a festive mood, great food, and lots of time with family and friends. And part of the celebration is the after dinner time. This is...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year – From Everyone At Package From Santa

We hope you will enjoy these inspirational quotes... “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”  ~~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson “All our dreams can come true, if we have...

Are Your Kids Spoiled?

Many parents struggle with this question – they may wonder if (or even worry that) their child is spoiled. But other parents believe children should be spoiled. The team at Package From Santa decided...
End of Summer Break

Make End of Summer Break Fun

Summer break will be ending soon so it’s not surprising that many families are struggling to make the most of the time left. The good news is, you don’t have to take a luxury...