Kids Need Activities for After Thanksgiving Dinner: Plan Ahead

Activities for kids after Thanksgiving dinner

When Thanksgiving dinner is over, everybody usually does their own thing. Some adults want to take a nap, while others help in cleaning the kitchen and dining area, some enjoy a movie or ball game on TV and others just want to enjoy relaxing conversation. However, children can still be very active. You have to think of ways to keep the children busy after Thanksgiving dinner. They have to be involved in activities that will keep them entertained. Since the children just finished eating, the activities should not be too physical or strenuous. Here are a few things the children could do after dinner.


You can assign them to recite poems or sing songs that are related to Thanksgiving. You can get Thanksgiving songs and poems from different web sites. Some of the more popular songs are the Thanksgiving song and Through the Wood. You can let the kids practice the songs or even playing a musical instrument in a room away from the adults, and when they are ready they can ‘perform’ for all to enjoy. They can perform alone or in teams. Prizes can be given to the children who perform excellently.



Another great after dinner activity is doing crafts. There are a variety of crafts that can be done by children. They can be provided with coloring material so they can draw and paint all types of Thanksgiving pictures, such as turkeys and pumpkins. You can give prizes for the most imaginative drawing and painting.

You can teach the children to create figures out of paper, similar to origami. There are web sites that show you the step by step processes. This gives kids a creative outlet and it will give parents the opportunity of seeing the talents and skills of their children.


Games can be a lot of fun, but you have to be careful in the games you choose. For instance, games like chess and checkers will not entertain a group of kids and the ones that cannot play will feel left out. There are lots of games that can accommdate several players at once. If you don’t have a good game you can create one of your own.


For instance, you could create a simple ‘Tape the Feather on the Turkey’ game. This is a makeshift game that is played like Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You can cut out the turkey shape and cut out paper feathers to be added to the turkey. Each kid can have a different color of feather and you can have an X to mark the spot the feather should be placed. Kids should be blindfolded and asked to add their feather to the turkey.

Online games are also a great way to keep everyone busy. In this technological age, most everyone has an iPad, tablet or some similar device to log on to the internet. They can log on to play some Thanksgiving games. There are many games to choose from. You can relax and feel assured that everyone is having a good time after dinner.

Whether it’s Thanksgiving or Christmas, planning ahead will help ensure your holiday is special. Keep reading this Package From Santa blog for lots of helpful tips and ideas!