Kids Need Activities for After Thanksgiving Dinner: Plan Ahead
When Thanksgiving dinner is over, everybody usually does their own thing. Some adults want to take a nap, while others help in cleaning the kitchen and dining area, some enjoy a movie or ball...
Are ‘Tweens Old Enough to Trick-or-Treat Alone? By Kimberlee Mitchell, Child Safety Expert &...
My dear friend Kimberlee Mitchell is a Child Safety Expert and she shared this advice with me. Enjoy!
Halloween is a night of fun adventure! It’s common for youngsters to want to go it alone...
Office Christmas Parties: Love Them Or Not – Take Advantage of The Opportunities!
Many businesses have office Christmas parties. It is a way of getting to know each other socially and this time together can build camaraderie and friendship among the work force. Although it is a...
Celebrating the Green Way This Holiday Season: Be Eco-Friendly and Save Money!
It’s no secret that the holiday season has become a time of waste. That is, as consumers we are known to go overboard on spending in every way possible. This includes everything from the...