February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month

Children do not fully understand the importance of dental care. They do not realize the dental problems that could occur later in their life. Tooth decay can cause infections which can affect various functions,...
How To Teach Your Kids To Respect Others

How To Teach Your Kids To Respect Others

My sister has been having a tough time with her youngest lately. Her kids are all wonderful little sweethearts but as all kids do, they’ve been acting out. Children all have different little quirks...
10 Products I Wish I Had As A New Mom

10 Products I Wish I Had As A New Mom

A lot has changed since I had my first baby. Between new technologies and access to the Internet, there are some really great products that I would have loved to have as a new...
Why Being Bored This Summer Is Actually A Good Thing

Why Being Bored This Summer Is Actually A Good Thing

It’s summertime! Now is the season for grilling burgers and swimming pool parties. It’s time for sunscreen and shorts. It means that the temperature is rising and outdoor activities are abundant. Unfortunately, it also...
10 Things I Wish I’d Known As A New Mom

10 Things I Wish I’d Known As A New Mom

As a seasoned expert, new moms often ask for my advice on what to expect when the baby arrives. Most of the time, I reassure them and tell them to just call me if...
8 Ways To Get Your Child To Care About Others Who Have Less

8 Ways To Get Your Child To Care About Others Who Have Less

Christmas is the season for giving, but it’s important to teach your children about charity all year. This can be a difficult task because on one hand, you want to shelter your children from...
Is It Ok To Have “Me Time” If You Are A Mom?

Is It Ok To Have “Me Time” If You Are A Mom?

If you’re new to motherhood, getting comfortable and finding a routine for yourself may seem difficult as you may find yourself fretting over small details here and there, worried about which ways things may...