Making Father’s Day Special

It is a great feeling to wake up to greetings of “Love You Dad” and “Happy Father’s Day.” The feelings become warmer and sweeter when the children bring the celebrations a notch higher by...
Family Outing at Zoo - Package From Santa

Enjoy a Family Outing At the Zoo

Going to the zoo can be exciting and educational. It can also be an inexpensive way of bonding with the family. The best time to go to a zoo is when it is not...
Package From Santa - Eating A Healthy Snack

Tips About Healthy Snacks for Busy Families

Children are very energetic and play a lot. Amazingly, they don’t get tired but they do get very hungry. It’s always good to have a lot of handy snacks for them. Here are a...
Inspire Creativity in Your Kids - Package From Santa

Ways to Inspire Creativity in Your Kids

As an adult it is easy to see the benefits of being creative. Creativity can help when you are in tight situations or when you’re dealing with limitations and restrictions. In addition, creativity helps...
Family Fun

Planning for Family Fun with Board Games

Playing games together is a great way to bond. Television, video games and cell phones are slowly impacting family togetherness. These activities encourage individualism which can lead to less face to face time with other...
Household Chores

Household Chores Are Family Chores

There are a lot of things that have to be done around the house. Even young children should pitch in and help keep the house tidy and neat. Many chores are simple enough for...
Package From Santa, Pumpkin Centerpiece

Decorating for Fall – Kids Can Help!

Whether your idea of fall decorations is pumpkins and scarecrows or you prefer a porch or walkway lined with beautiful fall flowers, decorating for fall is something the whole family can get involved in. This...