Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick's Day - Package From Santa

St. Patrick's Day - Package From Santa

You don’t have to be Irish to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day – just take a little time to ‘go green’ and let your imagination take over. Kids love making creative decorations themed around leprechauns, shamrocks and rainbows. So pull out your craft box and get some ideas brewing!

On St. Patrick’s Day green is definitely in. Whether you’re working on some fun craft project, cooking up a special treat, or deciding what to wear – think green – but don’t forget about rainbows!

About Leprechauns

Take a little time to think about what leprechauns look like and how they dress. This is food for thought so to speak. Although the team members at Package From Santa are not leprechaun experts, they have a little helpful information to share. For example, not surprisingly, leprechauns are typically depicted as small and lively. They are smart and a little mischievous. We also know that many wear green jackets and rainbow colored socks with black boots and a matching belt. Leprechaun hats are often tall, most are green or black and feature a wide band (which usually includes a buckle).

Make A Leprechaun Trap

There are lots of ‘stories’ associated with leprechauns and with St. Patrick’s Day. For instance, it is said that leprechauns love gold – and if you can ever catch a leprechaun he may lead you to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unfortunately for us, leprechauns are not only small, they are also very tricky. But that shouldn’t stop you from building a leprechaun trap!

A box of almost any kind can be used to ‘capture’ one of the little guys. Of course, the box will have to be decorated in an appealing manner and there should be something to use as bait, something to entice leprechauns to enter. The ideal lure is gold – which can be small golden trinkets, candy in gold wrappers, or just about anything that is shiny.

Create the trap by first decorating the box in the colors of the rainbow. The top should be sliced from the center outward – this is so the leprechaun will fall into the trap when he walks across the top to retrieve the bait that is left on the top. Of course, leprechauns are very quick and tricky, so it is unlikely that you will actually catch one. However, leprechauns like clever people – so if your leprechaun trap measures up, he will probably leave a gift behind. This could be a small amount of money, some candy, or other items small enough for a leprechaun to carry.

Let Your Imagination Lead The Way

You can count on the fact that kids will want to have something green to eat and drink on St. Patrick’s Day. The good news is, a special trip to the grocery store will probably not be necessary. You can create simple ‘Leprechaun Shakes’ by adding vanilla ice cream, a bit of milk and green food coloring to your blender.

Many ‘ordinary’ foods and drinks can be leprechaunized with green food coloring. For instance, you could add a few drops of color to mashed potatoes – or you could add some green color to your cheese cake filling. Green or rainbow sprinkles can be added to cakes, brownies and cupcakes.

The point is, St. Patrick’s Day offers an excellent opportunity for having fun with your kids. This makes the day more special and strengthens family bonds.