Strawberry Santa Hats – Cute and Delicious

Strawberry Santa Hats

Want to make something cute and delicious? Strawberry Santa hats are the answer! These adorable treats are versatile too!

You can add them to the top of brownies or even to cookies. Just bake brownies or cookies as usual – or use store bought cookies. They’re the ideal treat to enjoy while decorating the Christmas tree or writng letters to Santa.


Besides the option of adding these delicious treats to the tops of brownies and cookies you can also choose from using cream cheese, white chocolate, vanilla yogurt, or white frosting on the hats. To make the white seem more like fur you can add a bit of dehydrated coconut. You may also choose to use a mini-marshmallow at the top of the hat.

Here How To Get Started:

Gather the ingredients you plan to use ~~~ choose from the following…

  • Strawberries
  • Cream Cheese
  • White Chocolate
  • Yogurt
  • Frosting
  • Coconut
  • Mini-Marshmallows (cut in half) [This is an option for the top of the hat – use a small amount of chocolate, yogurt, cream cheese, or frosting as a ‘glue’ to hold the marshmallow in place]


Thoroughly wash the strawberries and then cut off the stem end of the strawberries – this creates a flat surface so the strawberries can stand.

If you will be using white chocolate you should break or cut the chocolate up into pieces and place in a microwavable bowl – melt the chocolate.

Coconut should be placed in a shallow bowl.

Dip strawberries into chocolate (or yogurt, or add cream cheese or frosting to lower edge of strawberry) – then dip into coconut if desired.

Note: You can also add a dab of chocolate (or yogurt, cream cheese, or frosting) to the top of the hat if you desire. Then you can add coconut as a sprinkle.

If you are adding the strawberry Santa hats to brownies or cookies you should use chocolate, yogurt, cream cheese, or frosting to hold the hat in place. You may also want to consider cutting your brownies into circular shapes.