5 Creative Mother-Son Date Ideas

5 Creative Mother-Son Date Ideas

You already spend tons of time with your little ones and sometimes it’s easy to get into the monotony of day-in, day-out routines. But just like any other relationship or friendship, it’s important to take time to just focus on that and keep the magic alive! I like taking my kids out on little “dates”, where we go to the park or the movies and it’s just them and Mom. If you have multiple kids, it’s also good to make sure that you’re spending time with each one individually in order to maintain your personal bond with one another and date time can be a great way to do that. Here are a few ideas that can be a fun time for Mommy-Child dates.

1. Take a class together

I’m a big fan of learning new things and watching my kids learn with me. Mother-child pottery classes, karate classes or even rock climbing can all be fun activities for an afternoon when you have some free time and just want some one-on-one with your little one. So far, me and my boys have learned to fold origami, make healthy snacks and be safe in the kitchen, how to grow a food garden in the backyard and we’ve gone on countless family-friendly museum tours.

2. Do something that you normally never do

Get out and go somewhere completely different. Find a new restaurant on the other side of town and go give it a try. Having a sit down meal with just you and your child can give them a confidence boost about good behavior in public and when you step out of your comfort zone and learn about different cultures and cuisines, it can be a fun way to show your child that it’s good to be open to new and interesting cultures or ideas. I took my child to get sushi not long ago and it was so much fun to explain Japanese cuisine and culture to him, and when he found out that he he liked eating raw fish, he was shocked! Obviously my son isn’t a picky eater, but I’m sure that it’s the sort of thing like our regular mother-son dates that keep him open to these new concepts.

3. Go leisure shopping with them

Christmas time is a big deal in our house, and although I do a substantial amount of shopping when no one is looking, I like to bring my kids with me individually when I’m shopping for other people’s presents. It’s fun to have help picking out different toys or ties for dad with their input and it gives them a sense of self importance. Of course, when it comes to Christmas it’s hard for kids to learn to keep secrets, and what if they tell their brother or sister what they’re going to get! To make sure that my boys keep their promise, I make sure to schedule a call from Santa from Free Call from Santa for a time when we’re out shopping. Having Santa Claus remind my boys that it’s important to keep the secret or they’ll be on the Naughty List and it works perfectly and adds to the excitement of the holiday season.

4. Go to a sporting event

I love baseball and so do my boys. It might sound like a father-son thing to do, but moms can love sports also! It’s great taking my youngest to see our local minor league team and teach him how to fill out the scorecard and answer all of his little questions about the game and the players. Most ballparks also have play places or kids activities to keep them engaged and interested if they start getting antsy or bored, which is totally a plus. It might be a bit cliche, but memories of days at the ballpark kicking back and watching home runs are some of the best by far.

5. Go see a play or a puppet show

Community theater is a great way to keep kids entertained while also learning and appreciating the arts. Check your local newspaper or newsletter to see if there are any family friendly plays in your area, or just check out what the local high school has to offer. My city has a wonderful puppet theater that routinely puts on funny and fun family friendly shows and afterward, they invite you to make puppets of your very own! Experiencing something new with your child and then engaging with it is a fun and smart way to bond over an experience with your child. Community performance and live participation is also better than just going to a movie because it encourages that kind of engagement and doesn’t tack on to your child’s screen time.


Going on mother-son dates can help you spend some quality time together, strengthen your bond, and have some really fun experiences. So take these ideas and expand on them to incorporate your son’s interests and get out there and have a blast together!