Holiday Prep Tips From Mrs. Claus


1. Do at least one thing a day on November

Start preparing for the holidays as early as possible! Being ahead of the game is a way to keep smiling and enjoy the beauty of the season. Every year I get sad when I see many parents miss hundreds of the season’s blessings because, let’s face it, folks are just too busy working hard to make deadlines.

Let’s make this year different! Today is November 1st and it’s high time to start decorating, buy the roast while it is on sale, begin baking and freeze the cookie dough and start shopping NOW, all in a strategic effort to avoid the stress of the rush! I work on Christmas all year long here at the North Pole! Being proactive allows me to delight in the season as opposed to feeling behind and tired! Hoping you will take this advice from a woman who knows and do at least one thing a day on November to ensure a smoother and joyous season!