Two Great Halloween Decorations For You And Your Kids

Great Halloween Decorations
Making your own Halloween decorations is fun for kids - and it saves you money!

Walk into any department store this time of year and you are sure to see plenty of great Halloween decorations. This will include everything from pumpkins and bats to zombies and other creatures. These decorations can make your home Halloween-ready in a jiffy, but there’s something special about decorating with craft projects that have been made by your kids. This post describes some super easy projects that are fun to make and that look awesome!

Ghostly Windsock

Windsocks are easy to make and they make great decorations for decks, porches and for indoors too. These are easy enough for kids of all ages to make and fun for everyone. All you need is white construction paper, white crepe paper, a stapler, black permanent marker, tape, and string.

The construction paper will be rolled and stapled to form a tube shape. But first you should use the marker to create the ghost face. Let your kids decide on the shape of the big black eyes and the scary ghost mouth. Then roll the paper and securely staple the ends together.

Cut pieces of crepe paper in various lengths to tape at the top of the tube edge. These lengths will hand down creating the ghostly tails that will drift in the breezes.

Use a piece of string to create a hanger.

Optional: For a different look try creating this windsock using black construction, black crepe paper and a silver marker.

Trick or Treat Ghost Wreath

This idea is totally adorable – and it’s super easy! Start with a simple wreath that you can spray paint in black or orange. Then purchase a bag of inexpensive suckers or lollipops. You and your kids will turn the suckers into ghosts by covering them with tissues. Use short pieces of black or orange ribbon to tie the tissues on the suckers.

Next, you and your kids can use a marker to add faces to the ghosts. The ghosts can be tucked into the wreath where they fit. You can also add other Halloween decorations if you like – for instance, plastic spiders can add a nice touch.  Add a length of wide ribbon to use to hang the wreath. This decoration can be used as a Halloween decoration and it can also come in handy when trick or treaters come calling.

Debbie Allen is a professional writer and editor that enjoys sharing content related to holidays. She writes about everything from ways to have fun on the Fourth of July to Christmas traditions like holiday decorating, letters from Santa, and gift-giving.

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